Saturday, December 29, 2012

All Dogs go to Heaven and Reggie went there.

Reggie was fifteen when he finally decided to make the trip to heaven.  He had limited use of his back legs for some time due to a back injury.  He also had numerous lumps.  Up until the day he went away he would wag his tail in greeting to our visitors.  When we had foster kids they spent lots of time counting the Mickey Mouse silhouettes they could find in his many spots.  He went to dogie school and won a blue ribbon for the best behaved "student".  Dr Dave Barton, Integrative Wellness chiropractor,  gave him several adjustments to keep his spine aligned.  When it was Reggie's time to go, Dr. Lee Mueller, his assistant Jennifer, and Lynda's daughter Teri made his passing stress and pain free.  He was a good dog.  He will be missed.  We thank all those who came around with a kind word for Reggie.

1 comment:

  1. Before he left, Reggie trained a new pup Sam to be our official greeter. Thank you Reggie.
