Current picture, Lynda telling Dealer it will be OK. Llama Elizabeth also checks up on Dealer.
Current picture showing the tumor growth in lower portion of left eye. Yellow is residue from evaluation at CSU.
Older picture of Dr. Wotman welcoming Dealer to CSU.
Older picture of Dr. Wotman taking cell sample of Dealer.s eye
Older picture Dr. Wotman taking in-depth look at eye and teaching Veterinary students.
Older picture of Collecting information
Yesterday Teri (Terolyn Horse Rescue) transported Dealer to Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital to have his eye rechecked. We have been working with a wonderful team from the CSU Ophthalmology Department: Katherine Wotman DVM, Brittany Martabano DVM, and Sami Pederson DVM. They have been great. Yesterday due to Covid 19 protocol we could not go with Dealer into the hospital for a recheck. The last pictures shared are from a visit last year. After evaluation and team consultation it was determined that it is best for Dealer to have a surgery to remove the tumor from his left eye and hopefully save his eye and vision. This will be scheduled as soon as the Covid restrictions allow. Until then our focus is to fundraise to cover expenses estimated to be about $2000. We will keep you posted!