Tuesday, July 13, 2021

"Llama"nade Stand


Little Ones Making a BIG

Difference for Large Animals!

Charli and Quinn became fast friends volunteering with our foundation (alongside their families) since March of this year. While other kids were having cannon ball contests at their pools for the 4th of July, these two were busy getting the word out about our rescue by selling fresh squeezed lemonade and passing out information pamphlets. 

THEIR DEDICATION AND HARD WORK RAISED $170!!! We were able to put these generous donations towards recent veterinarian bills for several of our animals.

We are humbled by the support of our community.

We are further inspired and encouraged by these two young ladies who, not only spent their holiday weekend working to help our animals, but spend a good portion of their weekends working the field and taking WONDERFUL care of these animals. 


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