Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dealer's Eye Surgery at The Eye Clinic

Last week Dr. Dale Rice checked on what Lynda thought was a sty in Dealer's eye. Not so! Probably squamous cell carcinoma and it needed immediate surgery. Dr. Rice arranged for Dealer to go to The Eye Clinic in Wheat Ridge where Dr. Todd Hammond, a veterinary Ophthalmologist, agreed to perform the surgery. Teri Allen from Terolyn Farms arrived at 9 am today with her big trailer for a first class transport for Dealer. We arrived at the surgery center and were greeted by Dr. Hammond and his tech Maureen. Dealer's eye was examined and he was sedated. The medicine to relax him also caused him to be very sensitive to sound so hence the cotton in his ears.

Dr. Rice and his tech Kim arrived to offer assistance. First Dr. Hammond cut out most of the tumor from the lower eyelid. Then he used cryo-surgery to freeze what we hope were the remaining cancer cells. After the surgery, Teri walked Dealer around to get him ready for the trip back to Terolyn. It was decided he would recuperate there as he needs medication for pain, swelling and eye ointment three times a day. He also needs to wear a face mask to protect his eye from sun and flies. He will need to wear a mask like sun glasses always in the sun as his eyes lack pigmetation around the eye. In the future when his eye heals he will need to get tattooed eye liner to prevent further sun damage. Hopefully we caught this in time. Both Dr. Hammond and Dr. Rice are optimistic. How something so small could become so serious so soon. Word to wise--- Pale faced horses need to wear sun protection over their eyes in this bright Colorado sun. Thank you to Dr Hammond and his staff at the Eye Clinic and to Dr. Rice for arranging this surgery. Thank you to Teri Allen for royal transportation and healing care at Terolyn!!!!!! Hopefully Dealer will return this weekend.

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