Sunday, October 23, 2011

Steve and awesome crew set shelter posts

If you need a job done by a great crew, there is none better than Steve and his awesome kids. They volunteered to set the posts for our shelter for the animals from the elements. Several crews had tried to dig in our cement-liker ground to set the 5 poles 2 feet deep. Neither pick axes, post-hole-diggers nor dynomite could break the ground. Then Steve arrived with his auger, bobcat and crew of the fantastic four to get the holes dug.
Poles are set, leveled and cement mixed and tamped in.
Everyone worked to measure, dig, mix, haul cement. What energy!
What a great crew: Kaelin, Meghan, Hunter, and Hayden.
Steve's crew even had enough energy to help feed when the post work was done. We thank these wonderful volunteers for their hard work and expertise. If you need anything done quickly and correctly call Edwards for Steve's number. He works a 100 hour week and still makes time to volunteer!

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