Sunday, May 16, 2021

Until We Meet Again

We were hit with sadness last week as one of dear volunteers left this world to join his galaxy far, far away. Anybody who knew him, knew love. 

Thomas truly touched the hearts of all of us around the foundation. Thomas' first day with us, we weren't sure he would come back as our animals would not leave him alone. To say he was uncomfortable is an understatement. Despite this, he continued to show up every week eager to work and take care of everything around the farm from shoveling manure to moving heavy loads of wet hay in the hot sun for hours rocking a sleeveless shirt showing off his muscles. Little by little, his comfort level grew to such a degree that we are honored to have witnessed a complete turn around from that first day. 

Thomas's last day with us was Friday May 7, which was our biggest blessing from him. Our hearts melted as we watched Elizabeth the llama sneak up on him, as she did every day. He turned his cheek to her, leaned in, and she kissed him!!! 

The loss of such a special young man is already being felt here. We will keep his memory alive by continuing to tell his story of perseverance through adversity and fear. 

"May the force be with you," Tom.

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